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Health Suite

Welcome to Wilkins Elementary School Health Office Web page

My name is Mrs. Annie Johnson, MS, RN, CSN. I am the Certified School Nurse assigned to Wilkins Elementary and Christ Lutheran. I can be reached at 412-824-3231 ext 2350 or by email at [email protected]
Wilkins Elementary School Health Office Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:35am to 4:05pm.

Keep Those Viruses at Home !

Sending a child to school if he/she has begun to show signs of illness can cause an infectious disease to spread rapidly throughout an entire classroom.
To minimize the occurrence of contagious diseases among our students, we are asking for your cooperation in observing the following guidelines.
Please keep your child home if he/she has any of these symptoms:
  1. FEVER - (above100.5) elevated temperature usually indicates the presence of an infection. Tylenol relieves the fever, but not the disease. Children should remain at home for twenty-four hours after a fever subsides without medication before returning to school.
  4. NAUSEA AND/OR VOMITING - within 12 hours prior to school
  5. DIARRHEA - within 12 hours prior to school
  6. PAIN - sore throat, severe stomachache, headache or body aches.
                 Your time and effort will help create a healthier environment for all our students.

*****Immunization Requirements  *****

All student in grades K-12 must now have
  • 4 doses of tetanus ( 1 dose after the fourth birthday)
  • 4 doses of diphtheria (1 dose after the fourth birthday)
  • 3 doses of polio
  • 2 doses of measles
  • 2 doses of mumps
  • 1 dose of rubella
  • 3 doses of hepatitis B
  • 2 doses of Varicella or written statement from physician indicating the month and year of disease or serologic proof of immunity.
  • In addition all students entering Grades 7-12 must have
  • 1 dose of tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis (Tdap)
  • 1 dose of meningitis vaccine (MCV4)

About Health Services

School nurses are responsible for emergency treatment of accidental injuries and assistance to students who become ill at school. They also conduct a comprehensive program of health examinations and screenings. Up-to-date health and immunization records are maintained for each child.
The Woodland Hills School District provides the following health examinations and screenings:
Dental examination - grades K-1, 3, and 7
Physical examinations - grades K-1, 6, 11
Hearing - grades K, 1, 2, 3, 7, 11
Height and weight - All grades
Vision - All grades
Scoliosis screening - grades 6, 7, 8
Body Mass Index (BMI)- for all grades
Medical guidelines for the care of the following: