Crawford Consulting Services provides generous donation to Wilkins Elementary STEAM Academy

Crawford Consulting Services visited Wilkins Elementary STEAM Academy on Monday, August 26 for what has become an annual donation of school supplies to support the students and teachers of the Woodland Hills School District.
Based in East Pittsburgh, the construction management and pre-construction services company has become a fantastic neighbor to the district and to Wilkins thanks to its generosity. For the last five years, the company has provided a monetary donation as well as boxes of school and classroom supplies to help keep the students and staff stocked with everything they need during the school year.
The company's Woodland Hills roots run deep. Mary Crawford, founder of Crawford Consulting Services, lives in the district. The company also employs a number of Woodland Hills graduates, including some who helped deliver the supplies on Monday. The donations are part of the Crawford Cares program, which it uses to give back to organizations and programs devoted to helping families and children. 
Along with the pens, pencils, markers, colored pencils, crayons, notebooks, tissues, hand sanitizer, and other customary supplies that students helped carry into Wilkins Elementary on Monday, the company made a monetary donation that the school will be able to use to acquire instructional items to address specific needs. In the past, the donation has been used to purchase items like personal clocks to help students learn to tell time; counting tools for kindergartners; globes and maps; toys, games, and balls for recess; dry erase boards; sensory items; special chart paper; and even Boom Card licenses, which are interactive lessons teachers can use to work on a variety of subjects with their students.
Principal Ms. Allison Kline graciously accepted the donation from Katie Bilak of Crawford Consulting Services.
Wilkins Elementary STEAM Academy staff and the entire Woodland Hills School District would like to thank everyone at Crawford Consulting Services for their continued generosity and support.